So you’ve had your second (or third or fourth) baby. Suddenly, there’s a whole other world of childcare to consider while you’re doing everything for baby and the balance feels quite different from the first go round. From a mom who’s done the transition of one to two, and a little later, two to three, let’s chat!

First, set realistic expectations for your family. After having my second child, I remember being amazed how little time I had to get things around the house done with two kids and two different sets of needs. It took some serious shifting of priorities, letting some things go to focus on the little lives in front of me. I started taking people up on their offers of help, having friends bring food and throw in a load of laundry, and leaning on my husband for anything else that didn’t involve feeding the baby. It also took some practice to feel confident getting out of the house comfortably (or on time!). But working on things like breastfeeding without my Boppy pillow so I had the muscle memory to do it on a park bench helped a lot.
Along this journey, there were times when my toddler(s) simply needed my full attention. Babywearing changed the game here. To have the baby snug and secure right on my chest while having two hands free to play with the toddler felt like freedom! We built a lot of lego towers, and changed a lot of toddler diapers this way. In addition to being close to mom, baby was in the perfect spot for breastfeeding in a front carrier. Just lowering their position to breast height made a snack just within reach!
Lastly, let’s talk about breastfeeding specifics when you just need to collapse on the couch for a feed! I found that having toys the older children can only play with while baby nurses can be helpful. This makes feeding a really special time for everyone, and the novelty works to keep their attention. Other things like making feeding time reading time can be great too! Allowing your toddler to hold the book and flip pages while you read can make them feel like they have an important job to do.
Finding your rhythm as a new family can take some time, but with a little patience and a few of these tricks and tips, you’ll be a pro in no time!
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